
Best Reference books for Mechanical Engineering

Best Reference books for Mechanical Engineering

Hey guys!


This article attempts to the cover the  most nightmarish subjects which are a part of your Mechanical Engineering degree along with recommending best sources to prepare them. It dosen't aim to advertise any publisher but out of genuine concern for budding and aspiring Mechanical Engineers


Here goes the list of best mechanical engineering reference books that should be part of your personal library.

STRENGTH OF MATERIALS - B.C.Punamia;Timoshenko

Timoshenko is considered the bible for this subject.But before going for it,its recommended to precede it with B.C. Punamia.

Even for GATE aspirants,these two will be sufficient along with previous year questions.If your faculty is good,don’t  bunk  a single lecture.This subject will form the base of your course and will be used abundantly in further semesters.This one usually comes in the 3rd semester.




I gave this paper after SOM and my heartbeat was double the usual rate when I got the question paper. Be serious with this monster of a subject .

P.K.Nag should be thoroughly studied .Practice any numericals as possible from past question papers.




I fell in love with the subject and the book;didn’t bunk a single lecture(prof. was that good).This book covers everything from your college level to GATE level




KILL ME ALREADY!The subject that can wreak havoc in  7th semester .Wanna clear this one, lick Grover from start to finish.




On the surface the subject looks dead easy but wait till you get the question paper.

If you are not well versed and conceptually clear GAME ON to avoid a backlog. I think Khurmi should be more than enough but if you tie on your hands,it wont hurt to refer Ratan


 Heat,Mass Transfer - Cengel


Thermodynamics will continue to haunt you in 3rd year as well.The various modes of Heat transfer-conduction,convection & radiation have to be studied in great detail with numerical applications.For university exams you will be provided with a handbook.GATE aspirants must pay special attention to this one as its scoring topic and carries 5-10 marks.GATE guys can go with P.K. Nag if there is a shortage of time.

Design Of Machine Elements-V.B. Bhandari,Shingley,R.L. Norton


Yet another subject where you be blessed with a handbook.No need to cram those stinking formulae.This is one of the best paying sectors in our branch but you need a high level of expertise to get a job.Get thorough with this subject if you are aiming for one
Norton has explained the concepts in a lucid manner.It's the most important subject for GATE carrying anywhere rom 15-25 marks.Goodman and Soderberg equation;S-N curve;degrees of freedom;gearing ratio;clutch and brake power have to be studied thoroughly if one is a serious about cracking.

Turbomachinery-Dixon & hall;NPTEL vids


No lies,almost all were petrified of this one.Our seniors had warned about this culprit.After all possible preparation I barely managed to pass(the paper was unconventional,should have prepared in depth).Take this one seriously

 Apart from these theres Finite Element Analysis but its quite manageable.Manufacturing science is the easiest.
 If you have entered the branch out of pure love for love for it(as many do),it will be an absolute joyride and the exams will be a cakewalk with a few hitches here and there.If otherwise well BEST OF LUCK!
 Contrary to popular beleif,there are jobs in the sector(not enough though),still you have so many avenues-Aviation,Railways,Medical engineering,Oil and gas know it.
 If you are a newbie,welcome aboard​


The article is submitted by:

Anup ShuklaMechanical Engineer 

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Sonu Pandit
Technology geek, loves to write and share knowledge with the world. Having 10+ years of IT experience. B.Tech in Computer Science & Engineering
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