Write for tutorialsinhand.com
Tutorialsinhand.com invites you to write:
on technical topic or topic of your choice and get it highlighted on tutorialsinhand.com
Earn while sharing your knowledge with the world by collabarating with us for writing program.
Content submission Request
Write to us using contact us page here.
You can follow below format while contacting us:
enter name, email and contact number first: Please enter correct details on which you can be contacted easily.
message body:
I want to submit article/tutorial/program/etc. on below topic(s):
1. My topic1
2. My topic2
3. My topic3
Your name.
For example, if you want to write C++ tutorial, then first line should be - I want to submit tutorial on below topic. And then enter C++ tutorial in place of My topic1.
Once we will receive your email, it will be reviewed to verify if we require content on mentioned topics.
You will receive a reply mail from our side with further instructions and price details that will be paid for the selected topics.
We request you to make sure that the content you write should be precise and focussed to the topic with proper diagrammatic explanation.
We are looking for below tutorials
C++ tutorial
Python tutorial (hired)
Digital Electronics tutorial (hired)
DBMS tutorial
We are looking for below programs
C# programs
Python programs (hired)
Computer graphics programs
Shell scripting programs (hired)
We are looking for below interview questions
C++ interview questions (hired)
Python interview questions (hired)
DBMS interview questions
If you are interested then contact us and we can take our discussion forward.
You are always free to come up with tutorial or topic of your choice.
Above requirement gets updated every quarter.
Benefits of collaborating with TIH
You will $ earn $ by writing for us on selected topics (based on content quality).
Your content will bear your identity which the world will notice and recognize. [If you wish you can hide your identity as well]
Dedicated writers would be provided a certificate acknowledging their writing and participation skills (for non-paid authors).
Students can mention their work with url in their CV.
Write Guest Posts
To write guest post, you can simply signup and login to get started. Once you submit we will review and approve the content.
Please don't submit plagiarised(copied from somewhere) content.
Make sure content is completely written by you as we do not entertain plagiarised content.
Note of Thanks
We thank all the writers who have already participated and submitted their articles to us.
Keep Learning, Writing and Sharing...
-- Team Tutorialsinhand
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Write4Us program by tutorialsinhand.com
About the Author
Sonu Pandit
Technology geek, loves to write and share knowledge with the world. Having 10+ years of IT experience. B.Tech in Computer Science & Engineering
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Published Date :
Jan 10,2021