
C++ program to find the area of a rectangle

C++ program to find the area of a rectangle

In this chapter of C++ program tutorial out task is: 

  • Write a C++ program to take length and breadth of the rectangle as an user input and displaying the area of the rectangle

C++ program to calculate the area of the rectangle 

Below is the C++ program to take length and breadth as an user input and then calculating and displaying the area of the rectange.

using namespace std;
int main()
        float length , breadth , areaOfTheReactangle;
        cout<<"Enter the length and breadth of the rectangle separated by a space"<<endl;
        areaOfTheReactangle = length * breadth;  //Calculating the area of the rectangle
        cout<<"The area of the rectangle is"<<endl<<areaOfTheReactangle;
        return 0;


Enter the length and breadth of the rectangle separated by a space

2.3 3.0

The area of the rectangle is




In the above C++ program:

  • The compilation starts from the main function (here int main())
  • Then three 4 bits each memory space is created for the float data type (assuming to be 32/64 bit system)
  • Then the compiler accepts input for the "length" and "breadth"
  • Then the "areaOfTheRectangle" is calculated by the formula and the output the required value
  • The program terminates at the "return 0" statement but returning 0 in the output screen as int main requires a return type.

You can see the above code execution and output in codeblocks IDE:

C++ program to find the area of a rectangle


CPP Programs

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Sayantan Bose
- šŸ”­ Iā€™m currently working on DS Algo skills - šŸŒ± Iā€™m currently learning web develeopement - šŸ‘Æ Iā€™m looking to collaborate with Oppia - šŸ“« Reach me at - šŸ˜„ Pronouns: his/him
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