
Shell script to find the greatest of two numbers

Shell script to find the greatest of two numbers

In this shell scripting article, we will learn how to write:

  • shell script to find the greatest of two numbers

Here we require 'read', '-gt' command to compare two numbers to get greater between them.



In order to write shell script to find the greatest of two numbers:

  1. Take two numbers from the user.
  2. Store in two separate variables.
  3. Use ‘if-else’ statements or ‘ternary’ operator to check which is large.
  4. Here, we will just print the big.
  5. You can use ‘flag’ to which will be initialize in ‘if-else’ condition.
  6. Suppose if ‘flag=1’, first one is greater otherwise second one is greater.



Given below is algorith for shell script to find the greatest of two numbers.

Read first_num

Read second_num

Check cond. If ( first_num>second)


                first_one is large than second_num


                second_one is large than first_num

// if-else done.



Shell program to find greatest of two numbers is given below:

echo "a shell script to find out the large between two number."
echo -n "First number:"
read fst_num
echo -n "Second number:"
read snd_num
if test $fst_num -gt $snd_num
	echo $fst_num is greater than $snd_num.
	echo $snd_num is greater than $fst_num.


Given below is the screenshot for shell program to find greatest of two numbers:


a shell script to find out the greatest among two inputs 

First number:34
Second number:78
78 is greater than 34.



Given below is explanation to shell script to find the greatest of two numbers shown above:

  • At first, I have given 34 and then it is stored in first variable name 'fst_num'.
  • '78' is given and it is stored in second variable name 'snd_num'.
  • using '-gt' command, we have compared two varbiables.
  • If 'fst_num' is greater than 'snd_num', print 'fst_num'.
  • Otherwise 'snd_num' is greater.

Shell Script Programs

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Suraj Maity
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