How to Delete Columns from a numpy Array | delete multiple columns in numpy array
In this numpy tutorial, we will discuss about.
create numpy array of given size,
how to delete a column from a numpy array?
delete multiple columns in numpy array
numpy delete array slice parameter
Before we learn to delete numpy column, lets create one numpy array.
numpy stands for numeric python which is used to perform mathematical operations on arrays.
It is a module in which we have to import from the python.
Syntax to import:
import numpy
We can also use alias for the module
For example,
import numpy as np
We can directly use np to call the numpy module.
Create Numpy Array
An array is an one dimensional data structure used to store single data type data.
I.E It will only store all integer data or all string type data.or all float type data.
We can create an numpy array by using array() function.
where, elements are the input data elements.
Input array:
[[ 34 56 43 22 45 6 54 2]
[134 516 413 212 415 64 564 62]
[ 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 5]
[ 54 56 54 5 6 8 9 0]
[ 1 2 3 5 23 23 32 12]]
After removing particular column:
[[ 34 56 43 22 45 6 54 ]
[134 516 413 212 415 64 564 ]
[ 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ]
[ 54 56 54 5 6 8 9 ]
[ 1 2 3 5 23 23 32 ]]
Let's create an 2 dimensional numpy array with 5 rows.
#importing the numpy module
import numpy
#create an array with 8 elements - integer type
#in each row
#display numpy array
Output: create numpy array of given size
[[ 34 56 43 22 45 6 54 2]
[134 516 413 212 415 64 564 62]
[ 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 5]
[ 54 56 54 5 6 8 9 0]
[ 1 2 3 5 23 23 32 12]]
Lets use above array to delete numpy column.
Scenario -1 : Remove single column using delete() method
Here we are going to use delete() method , which is available in numpy module to delete a particular column by specifying index position.
indexing starts with 0.
numpy.delete(array_data, index, axis=1)
1. array_data is the input numpy array
2. index specifies the column position to be deleted
3. axis=1 specifies column.
Example: how to delete a column from a numpy array?
In this delete numpy column example, we will delete columns in the numpy array.
#importing the numpy module
import numpy
#create an array with 8 elements - integer type
#in each row
#remove first column from numpy array
print(numpy.delete(array_data, 0, axis=1))
#remove third column from numpy array
print(numpy.delete(array_data, 2, axis=1))
#remove fifth column from numpy array
print(numpy.delete(array_data, 4, axis=1))
Output: delete numpy column result
From the above delete numpy column code, we are deleting the first, third and fifth columns separately.
[[ 56 43 22 45 6 54 2]
[516 413 212 415 64 564 62]
[ 3 4 5 6 7 8 5]
[ 56 54 5 6 8 9 0]
[ 2 3 5 23 23 32 12]]
[[ 34 56 22 45 6 54 2]
[134 516 212 415 64 564 62]
[ 2 3 5 6 7 8 5]
[ 54 56 5 6 8 9 0]
[ 1 2 5 23 23 32 12]]
[[ 34 56 43 22 6 54 2]
[134 516 413 212 64 564 62]
[ 2 3 4 5 7 8 5]
[ 54 56 54 5 8 9 0]
[ 1 2 3 5 23 32 12]]
Similarly you can also delete last column numpy array or any particular column.
Scenario -2 : delete multiple columns in numpy array
Here we are going to use delete() method , which is available in numpy module to delete multiple columns by specifying index positions in a list.
indexing starts with 0.
numpy.delete(array_data, [indices], axis=1)
1. array_data is the input numpy array
2. indices specifies the column positions to be deleted
3. axis=1 specifies column.
Example: delete multiple columns in numpy array using delete method
In this delete multiple columns in numpy array example, we will delete columns in the numpy array.
#importing the numpy module
import numpy
#create an array with 8 elements - integer type
#in each row
#remove first,third and fifth columns from numpy array
print(numpy.delete(array_data, [0,2,4], axis=1))
Output: delete multiple columns in numpy array result
From the above delete multiple columns in numpy array code, we are deleting the first, third and fifth columns at a time.
[[ 56 22 6 54 2]
[516 212 64 564 62]
[ 3 5 7 8 5]
[ 56 5 8 9 0]
[ 2 5 23 32 12]]
Now lets see delete multiple columns in numpy array using delete method through slice parameter.
Scenario - 3 : Remove multiple columns using delete() method through slice parameter
Here we are going to use delete() method , which is available in numpy module to delete multiple columns by specifying slice() parameter. This will delete multiple columns in numpy array based on the given range. It will delete columns from start row to end row specified.
indexing starts with 0.
numpy.delete(array_data, slice(start_column,end_column), axis=0)
1. array_data is the input numpy array
2. slice() function - start_column specifies the starting column position and end_column specifies the ending column position
3. axis=1 specifies column.
Example: delete multiple columns in numpy array in given range
In this delete multiple columns in numpy array example, we will delete columns in the numpy array.
#importing the numpy module
import numpy
#create an array with 8 elements - integer type
#in each row
#remove from first column to third column
print(numpy.delete(array_data, slice(0,3), axis=1))
#remove from third column to fifth column
print(numpy.delete(array_data, slice(2,5), axis=1))
Output: numpy delete array slice result
From the above numpy delete array slice code, we are deleting from first column to third column and third column to fifth column separately
[[ 22 45 6 54 2]
[212 415 64 564 62]
[ 5 6 7 8 5]
[ 5 6 8 9 0]
[ 5 23 23 32 12]]
[[ 34 56 6 54 2]
[134 516 64 564 62]
[ 2 3 7 8 5]
[ 54 56 8 9 0]
[ 1 2 23 32 12]]
Thus we can in numpy delete array slice any given range as shown above.
This wraps up our session on how to delete a column from a numpy array, numpy delete array slice, delete multiple columns in numpy array.
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About the Author
Gottumukkala Sravan Kumar 171FA07058
B.Tech (Hon's) - IT from Vignan's University.
Published 1400+ Technical Articles on Python, R, Swift, Java, C#, LISP, PHP - MySQL and Machine Learning
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Published Date :
Jun 19,2022