How to fetch saved for later pages in SharePoint online
In this article we will see how we can access the saved for later pages data programmatically.
What are saved for later pages in SharePoint online
Microsoft have released a new feature in SharePoint online which can be used to save the link of SharePoint pages for later. It is like book mark.
When you save a page for later then a link to that page is saved some where.
When you browse a page then in the bottom next to views there is save for later. To save a page for later you can click on the icon next to save for later. as shown in the image below.
How to fetch saved for later pages data programmatically.
After doing some investigation, I found that saved for later pages can be fetched from an api called Microsoft home service api which is located at
where tenant Location is the region.
in order to fetch the data first you need to get the access token. you can get access token by issueing a get request to below url
you will get two things.
1. access_token : will be the token that will be used to authenticate to sphome services api.
2. resource : this is url along with the location.
Once you have these two things you can get the data of saved for later pages as shown below.
Get saved for later pages data
In order to fetch save for later pages data , we need to issue a get request to below end point.
<resource url abouve>/api/v1/documents/saveForLater?start=0&count=100
Along with the get request you also need to pass a header
headers: {
'authorization': `Bearer <access-token>`,
'sphome-apicontext': `{"PortalUrl":"<your sharepoint online url>"}`
in the result set you will get top 100 saved pages in SharePoint.
How to add a page in Saved for Later list
In order to add a page in saved for later pages list we need to issue a get request to below end point.
resource url obtained/api/v1/documents/saveForLater/add?siteId=<siteid>&webId=<webid> &listId=<list id> &uniqueId=<unique id of the page>
After issueing this request your page data will be saved in Saved for Later pages list.
How to remove a page from Saved for Later pages list
In order to remove a page from saved for later pages list , we need to issue a get reques to below end point.
resource url obtained/api/v1/documents/saveForLater/remove?siteId=<site id>&webId=<web id> &listId=<list id> &uniqueId=<unique id of the page>
Note : this api has not yet been documented by microsoft and thus not recomended for use
If you want step by step of how to create a webpart to show the save for later pages data then have a look on this article
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About the Author
Mukesh Tiwari
Always ready to learn new technologies, A problem solver, exhibit to do attitude. Having around 10+ years of experience of development and management skills. I believe don't just set random goals but right goals suited for you.
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Jun 27,2020