Translate সুন্দরবন in hindi
In this article we are going to learn about:
translate সুন্দরবন in hindi
translate সুন্দরবন in hindi to english
সুন্দরবন is a very famous place (forest) in West Bengal, India and parts also located in Bangladesh. It is also a tourist hub due to natural beauty and adventorous wild life experience.
সুন্দরবন is famous for Bengal Tiger
সুন্দরবন written in Hindi & English
Bengali |
Hindi |
English |
সুন্দরবন |
Sundaraban |
translate সুন্দরবন in hindi
সুন্দরবন = সুন্দর + বন [read as Sundorbon]
As you can see it is combination of two words which can be written in hindi as below
सुंदरवन = सुंदर + वन [read as Sundarban]
It means "beautiful forest". Because সুন্দর \ सुंदर = beautiful and বন \ वन = forest.
There isn't much difference when we translate it from bengali to hindi. Both have almost same pronunciation only the difference being mother tounge effect in it.
সুন্দরবন or सुंदरवन is a forest (mangroves) located on the delta region of the river Ganges [Ganga], Brahmaputra and Meghna confluence point [Sangam or संगम]. It is a beautiful place with diverse ecosystem.
Sundarban has lot of Sundari trees.
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May 04,2024