This guide has been prepared by me to help myself with the list of frequently used basic commands in UNIX/LINUX to be on my finger tip. Thought of sharing it with the others, in case, it might turn out helpful to other readers as well. This is Unix/Linux basic commands - 1,for 2nd part follow the link given at the end of this article.
Unix/Linux file commands guide
This article will serve as a 5 minute guide or tutorial to learn/revisit basic unix or linux commands frequently used while working with files. Unix/Linux command is given along with their usage or description.
ls ► use this command in unix/linux to see all the directory listing. However, any hidden files will not be listed.
ls -al ► use this command in unix/linux to see formatted directory listing along with the hidden files.
ls -lt ► use this command in unix/linux to sort the directory listing by their time of modification.
pwd ► use this command in unix/linux to show your current working directory.
touch fileName ► use this command in unix/linux to create new file with its name as filename.
cd ► use this command in unix/linux to move to home directory.
cd dirName ► use this command in unix/linux to change current directory to dirName directory.
mkdir dirName ► use this command in unix/linux to make or create directory having name as dirName.
rm fileName ► use this command in unix/linux to remove or delete file having name as fileName.
rm -r dirName ► use this command in unix/linux to remove or delete directory dirName.
rm -f filename ► use this command in unix/linux to force remove the file filename.
more fileName ► use this command in unix/linux to get the content of file having name as filename
head fileName ► use this command in unix/linux to get output of first 10 lines of the file fileName.
tail fileName ► use this command in unix/linux to get output of last 10 lines of the file filename.
cp fileA fileB ► use this command in unix/linux to copy the content of fileA to fileB.
cp -r dirA dirB ► use this command in unix/linux to copy directory dirA to directory dirB and create dirB if not already created.
mv fileA fileB ► use this command in unix/linux to rename or move fileA to fileB.
cat >file ► use this command in unix/linux to place standard input into the file.
Unix or Linux process management commands guide
This section will serve as a 5 minute guide or tutorial to learn/revisit basic unix or linux commands frequently used while working with process management. Unix/Linux command is given along with their usage or description.
ps ► use this command in unix/linux to see currently working processes.
top ► use this command in unix/linux to display all the running processes.
kill pid ► use this command in unix/linux to kill the process with given pid.
killall processA ► use this command in unix/linux to kill all the process named as processA
pkill pattern ► use this command in unix/linux to kill all processes matching the given pattern.
bg ► use this command in unix/linux to list all the background jobs.
fg ► use this command in unix/linux to bring the most recent job to foreground.
fg n1 ► use this command in unix/linux to bring job n1 to the foreground.
Unix/Linux system info commands guide
This section will serve as a 5 minute guide or tutorial to learn/revisit basic unix or linux commands frequently used while working with system. Unix/Linux command is given along with their usage or description.
cal ► use this command in unix/linux to show current months calendar.
date ► use this command in unix/linux to show current date and time.
w ► use this command in unix/linux to see who all are currently logged in to the system.
whoami ► use this command in unix/linux to see who you are currently logged in as in the system.
uname -a ► use this command in unix/linux to see kernel information.
finger user ► use this command in unix/linux to display information about user.
man command ► use this command in unix/linux to show the manual for command.
free ► use this command in unix/linux to show memory and swap usage.
df ► use this command in unix/linux to see the disk usage.
du ► use this command in unix/linux to see the directory space usage.
whereis app ► use this command in unix/linux to show possible location of app.
which app ► use this command in unix/linux to show which application will be run by default.
Once you have grasped all the above command, please move to the next part to learn few more commands: Unix/Linux basic commands - 2
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About the Author
Sonu Pandit
Technology geek, loves to write and share knowledge with the world. Having 10+ years of IT experience. B.Tech in Computer Science & Engineering
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May 22,2020