Why java is secure as programming language?
Java is considered secure as programming language.
There are multiple factors that plays together to enhance the security level of java programming. We will discuss in points about each factor that add to the java security:
1. There are many security feature provided by the security manager present in JVM. Security is provided by JVM(Java Virtual Machine) as it verifies the portable .class files for any malicious virus or threats that is presented to it before executing those files. Thus, bytecode verification which is done by JVM adds to the java security.
2. Memory security is added by the Memory Management architecture of java.
In java, garbage collector starts its task of collecting the garbage objects as soon as it senses that out of memory condition is about to reach or even before it.
Programmer don't need to take any headache of releasing the memory space manually as is in other languages like C++. Here JVM controls the garbage collector and it does this task for you. Manually programmer can also give instruction to garbage collector to run but then in that case also JVM has full decision control of whether to run it or not.
3. Java Package concept provides security from namespace collision in java.
4. Access modifier like public, private, protected and default defines the level to which a class/method/variable can be exposed. So depending upon the level of exposure needed these access modifiers can be used.
In this way we can secure the data from unintended user who is in no way concerned with it thus protecting it from getting misused.
5. Immutability of String adds to security as well. Because of immutable nature String can be used to store password/username, database connection(& other details), key in HashMap without worrying much about String getting tampered/or modified by unauthorized/malicious user.
6. Java doesn't have concepts like pointer for programming in java which could lead to security issue in java. A weakness in pointer programming concept may help intruders access important informations by directly accessing the address of the resource with help of pointer concept.
These are several factors that add to security of java programming.
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About the Author
Sonu Pandit
Technology geek, loves to write and share knowledge with the world. Having 10+ years of IT experience. B.Tech in Computer Science & Engineering
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Aug 20,2020